

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in culinary creations. Hope you have a nice stay!

Cutting Fresh Corn off the Cob

Cutting Fresh Corn off the Cob

As I have mentioned in other posts, I really love summer produce. This past weekend, we were very lucky to have a family friend bring us some fresh summer corn. Thank you Beth! I decided to make a sautéed corn dish. Here is a simple technique to help with cutting corn off fresh corn cob. This technique I actually learned from a neighbor in Alabama. For planning purposes, you should figure about 1 minute per ear of corn.

Let’s start by placing a clean dish towel directly on your counter.

Clean towel, knife, corn and bowl

Clean towel, knife, corn and bowl

Move the bowl off of the towel, grab an ear of corn and place it vertically in the middle of the towel. Take your knife, from the top of the ear, and cut all the way down to the towel.

Cutting the corn off with a knife

Cutting the corn off with a knife

With the top edge of your knife, repeat the same motion. This will remove any additional corn left on the cob.

Scraping the corn to remove any remaining kernel pieces

Scraping the corn to remove any remaining kernel pieces

After scraping the side, rotate the corn 1/4 turn and repeat the last two steps until all the kernels are removed.

After removing all the kernels from all the ears of corn, pick up two diagonal corners of the towel.

Holding two diagonal corners of towel

Holding two diagonal corners of towel

Pick up the two remaining corners to form a pouch with the towel. Take pouch and place in the bowl, let one of the corners go. The corn should simply just fall into the bowl.

Putting the corn into the bowl.

Putting the corn into the bowl.

Cutting kernels off of fresh corn will not be a tough task the next time you make a fresh corn salsa or corn sauté.

Bon Appetit!

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