

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in culinary creations. Hope you have a nice stay!

Oven Roasted Smashed Potatoes

Oven Roasted Smashed Potatoes

Assembled smashed potatoes before roasting

These potatoes are really inexpensive and easy to make. You can use any size of potatoes or any varietal. I like to use fingerling potatoes because the skins can get crispy.


1 package baby fingerling medley potatoes

2 lemons

1 package of bacon (optional)

4 peeled cloves of garlic

1 medium diced onion

1 tablespoon dried parsley

3/4 cup of fresh parsley

1/4 cup olive oil

zest of 1 lemon


talk about potato sizes, par boiling them and then smashing,

Fill up pot with salted water and bring to a boil. Preheat the oven at 400 degrees

Salting the water before bringing it to a boil

Rinse the potatoes in a collander

Washing fingerling potatoes in a colander

Add the washed potatoes to the boiling water. Let the potatoes boil for 6 to 8 minutes or until they are fork tender

Putting the fingerling potatoes into boiling water.

After the potatoes are finished cooking, drain in a colander.

Draining the potatoes into a colander

Let the potatoes cool, then place on one of the potatoes on a cutting board and place a spatula on top the potato and press. “Smash” potatoes until they are about 1/2 inch thick. Proceed to smashing each potato in the same way. Placed the smashed potatoes into a roasting pan or iron skillet.

Smashing a potato

Place a lemon on the cutting board with your hand on top pressing down on the lemon as to squeeze it. Roll it back and forth to activate the juice inside the lemon.

Rolling a lemon on a cutting board to activate juice.

After rolling the lemon, cut the lemon in half.

Cutting lemon in half

Take the fresh parsley and chop into small pieces.

Chopping fresh parsley

Peel an onion and medium dice an onion.

Peel and dice/chop garlic.

Add the cooked sliced bacon on top the smashed potatoes in your orating pan

Adding the bacon to the smashed potatoes

Add the diced onions to the potato mixture

Adding died onions to the smash potato mixture.

Add the zest of a lemon and dried parsley to the potato mixture

Adding lemon zest ad dried parsley to the smash potato mixture

Add the chopped garlic to the smash potato mixture

Adding garlic to the smashed potato mixture

Add salt to the smashed potato

adding salt to the smashed potato mixture

Add pepper to the smashed potato

adding pepper to the smashed potato mixture

Add an olive oil drizzle to the smash potato mixture

drizzling olive oil over the smashed potato mixture

Smashed potato mixture before going into the oven for 23-25 minutes at 400 degrees.

Smashed potato mixture before going in the oven

After the potato mixture initially cooks for 23025 minutes, remove the oven and use a spatula to mixt up the partially smashed potato mixture.

Mix up the smashed potato with a spatula.

Squeeze the lemon juice over the partially cooked smashed potato mixture.

Add fresh parsley on top of the partially cooked smashed potato mixture.

Adding the fresh parsley to the partially cooked smashed potato

After mixing up the mixture, adding the lemon and fresh parsley, place the mixture in the oven for another 8 to 10 minutes.

Finished smashed potatoes with Roasted cilantro, chicken.

Enjoy this Side dish with most any main protein. This hearty side dish can enhance any course. Bon Appetit!

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