

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in culinary creations. Hope you have a nice stay!

College Food - Homemade Hamburger Helper

College Food - Homemade Hamburger Helper

Way back when I attended college, my parents would buy me a case of macaroni and cheese almost every time I went back to school. With 24 packages in a case, after using 4 or 5 boxes, you would need to get creative. I seem to always have some spaghetti sauce and on occasion I would have some hamburger meat. Today, I am going to make my version of homemade hamburger helper. The nice thing about this technique is that you can substitute, chicken or pork for the beef, or leave it out all together. This also makes enough for a couple of meals or to share with your roommates all for under 10 dollars.


1 box of your favorite macaroni and cheese mix

1 lb. ground beef or your favorite protein

1 teaspoon onion powder or 1 cup freshly chopped onion

1 teaspoon garlic powder or 3 freshly chopped garlic cloves

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning blend

1/4 cup heavy cream (substitute for the milk in macaroni and cheese)

1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese

1/4 cup of parmesan cheese

1/2 jar favorite spaghetti sauce

1 can of mushrooms

salt and pepper

Preparation: time 25 mins

Over medium heat, sauté beef, onions, garlic, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Sauté the mixture until thoroughly cooked.

Starting to sauté ground beef, onions and garlic mixture

Starting to sauté ground beef, onions and garlic mixture

Sauté the meat, onion and garlic mixture for about 6 to 8 minutes

Finished meat mixture

Finished meat mixture

Prep colander with paper towel

Colander with paper towel

Colander with paper towel

Take a colander, line it with a paper towel doubled over several times and pour in the meat mixture. This step will drain the fat out of the meat.

Draining  the meat, onion and garlic mixture in the colander

Draining the meat, onion and garlic mixture in the colander

In the same sauté pan, add the spaghetti sauce and mushrooms and begin to cook down

Sautéing spaghetti sauce and mushrooms

Sautéing spaghetti sauce and mushrooms

Add the meat back to the sauté pan and begin to warm it up. Grab two corners of the towel with each hand and when over the pan, let two corners go to make a funnel for the meat to pour into the pan.

Putting the drained meat mixture into the sauté pan

Putting the drained meat mixture into the sauté pan

In the same sauce pot, begin to boil water, olive oil and salt to cook the pasta from the macaroni and cheese mix. Olive oil is used to keep the pasta from sticking together and salt is used to lower the boiling point. Lowering the boiling point will make the water heat up faster.

Heating water for pasta

Heating water for pasta

Cook the pasta until “al dente“ which will be 8 to 10 minutes after the water boils. Once the macaroni is cooked, drain it in the colander.

Draining the pasta into colander

Draining the pasta into colander

In the same pot the macaroni was boiled in, add the butter, milk or heavy cream, cheese package and shredded cheddar to the pot and begin to warm. Use a spoon or a whisk and stir the mixture until thoroughly mixed. It should look creamy in texture.

Sauce pot with butter, heavy cream, cheese packet and cheddar cheese

Sauce pot with butter, heavy cream, cheese packet and cheddar cheese

Add the cooked pasta to the spaghetti sauce and bring to a simmer.

Adding pasta to the meat and sauce mixture

Adding pasta to the meat and sauce mixture

Add the cheese mixture to the spaghetti and pasta mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Adding cheese sauce to the sauté pan with meat mixture, sauce and pasta

Adding cheese sauce to the sauté pan with meat mixture, sauce and pasta

Mix thoroughly, simmer and add parmesan cheese to the top

Simmering over medium heat

Simmering over medium heat

Let it simmer for 5 minutes, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and serve.

Homemade hamburger helper

Homemade hamburger helper

Serve in a bowl with some garlic bread.

Bon Appetit!

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