Chef Kevin's Creations

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Menu for a Special Day

Yesterday was my 13th wedding anniversary. My gift to my wife was to make her dinner. I wanted to make her a memorable four-course meal. Here is what was on the menu.


Shrimp bisque - Creamy shrimp stock-based soup finished with sautéed shrimp, truffle oil and pancetta. Served with traditional crostini

Shrimp bisque with prawn and crostini

Caprese salad - Fresh Hanover tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, one drop truffle oil on each tomato, mozzarella and basil garnished with pancetta.

Caprese salad

Deconstructed French onion soup - French onion soup on a crostini with grated gruyere cheese and a radish garnish.

Deconstructed French onion soup

Pan seared Turbot with lemon dill butter - served over fresh corn sauté and Cajun coconut cream, served along side roasted mushrooms, cippolini onion and pancetta with radish garnish.

Entrée of pan seared Turbot

After 4 courses, we didn’t have room for our dessert! I will post that dish another day. We enjoyed every bite with a glass of French white burgundy along with some great conversation. It seems like our wedding day was yesterday and here we are more than a decade later.

Bon Appetit!

Note: Be on the lookout for future blog articles about these dishes.