Chef Kevin's Creations

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Eggs with a taste of France

Eggs are good just about any way you fix them. We like sunny side up, poached or scrambled. This technique is how I like to fix scrambled eggs. These eggs have half-and-half and herbs from France. These eggs seem to be a hit every time I make them. I was visiting family in the Chicago area and the kids loved these eggs. My wife asked me to make these eggs, so I decided to teach the kids too. They loved them and now this is the only way they fix eggs!

I like to fix two eggs per person and this post was written for two servings.


4 eggs, cracked and scrambled

1/4 cup of Half-and-Half

1 teaspoon Herbs de Provence

1 teaspoon dried parsley

1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/2 cup shredded cheese

Preparation (10-15 minutes)

Crack eggs into a mixing bowl and scramble

Cracked and scrambled Eggs

Add half-and-half and scramble

Scrambled eggs with half-and-half cream.

Add Herbs de Provence

Adding Herbs de Provence to the scrambled egg mixture

Add parsley

Adding parsley to scrambled egg mixture

Add thyme

Adding thyme to the scrambked egg mixture

Add salt

Adding salt to the scrambled egg mixture

Add pepper

Adding pepper to the scrambled egg mixture

Add garlic powder

Adding garlic powder to scrambled egg mixture

After adding all of the spices, scramble thoroughly

Whisking all the herbs to combine thoroughly into scrambled egg mixture. Then let them sit for 2 minutes to hydrate the dried herbs

Place non-stick skillet on the stove on medium-low heat. Once the skillet is up to temperature, pour the eggs into the skillet.

Adding scrambled egg mixture with herbs to heated non-stick skillet

As the eggs begin to cook, drag the bottom of the pan as well as around the edges to clear the cooked eggs and let the mixture fill the void.

Dragging the egg to cook thorighly

Add the cheese to eggs once they are still a little runny. Mix thoroughly and let the eggs finish cooking. The eggs are done once you have a solid mass and they appear to be moist not wet.

Adding shredded cheese to cooked eggs

You can eat these eggs like a typical breakfast. Today, we served them on biscuits.

Finished eggs served on fresh biscuits

Bon Appetit!